Seals of approval and certifications

Here you will find an overview of all common test seals and certifications. We have marked all products that carry such a certificate accordingly.

Overview of all certificates


OEKO-TEX ® consists of 18 independent research and testing institutes in Europe and Japan. The STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX ® is one of the world's best-known labels for textiles that have been tested for harmful substances. It stands for customer trust and high product safety. If a textile item has been awarded the STANDARD 100 label, you can be sure that all components of this item, ie all threads, buttons and other accessories, have been tested for harmful substances and the item is therefore human-ecologically harmless. The test is carried out by the independent OEKO-TEX ® institutes based on the comprehensive OEKO-TEX ® catalog of criteria. In the test procedure, they take into account numerous both regulated and non-regulated substances that could harm human health. More information is available on the Oeko-Tex website .

All products that bear this seal are marked separately with the OEKO-TEX ® seal.


EUROPEAN FLAX ® is the quality feature of high-quality European linen fibers for all purposes and products based on linen fibers. The certificate guarantees that linen is sourced exclusively from the European territories of France, Belgium and the Netherlands. Furthermore, by signing the EUROPEAN FLAX Charter, the flax growers and processors guarantee local agriculture that respects the environment, uses no irrigation and no GMOs (genetically modified organisms), does not generate waste and promotes agricultural biodiversity.

All products that bear this seal are marked separately with the EUROPEAN FLAX ® seal.


The Global Organic Textile Standard is the world's leading standard and thus the most important seal of quality for textiles made from organically produced natural fibers. Only textile products that consist of at least 70% organically produced natural fibers can be certified according to GOTS.

The GOTS certification also takes into account the entire textile value chain - from the controlled organic cultivation of the natural fibers to the labeling of the finished end product. The aim of the GOTS standard is to define high standards and to consistently check compliance with them in order to offer consumers security in their purchasing decisions. Both socially critical and ecological aspects are taken into account. Fair working conditions, fair wages and the ban on child labor are some of the most important criteria here. Environmentally critical criteria serve to protect nature and the environment, which is why, among other things, problematic chemical additives and chlorine bleach are prohibited, the packaging materials must not contain PVC, and the plants must have their own environmental protection program to minimize waste and effluents. All participating companies undertake to comply with these standards. There are regular quality controls that check the working conditions and production facilities of the companies. Quality assurance takes place through independent certification of the entire textile supply chain.

Unfortunately, the GOTS seal is misused by some. However, you can check in the publicly accessible GOTS database whether the respective provider is actually certified. You can find out more about the organization directly on the Global Standard website .

All products that bear this seal are marked separately with the GOTS seal.

FSC® _

FSC ® stands for Forest Stewardship Council ® and is an independent non-profit organization that aims to promote environmentally friendly, socially beneficial and economically viable management of forests. Depending on the FSC label type, it can be seen whether the product comes from FSC-certified forestry (FSC 100% symbol), only recycled material (FSC Recycled symbol) was used or a mixture of raw materials (FSC Mix symbol) was used. Consumers who buy FSC products thus make an active contribution to the sustainable management of forests - worldwide.

The organization maintains a database in which certified companies can be searched. More information can be found on the FSC website .

All products that bear this seal are marked separately with the FSC ® seal.

Organic Content Standard (OCS)

The Organic Content Standard (OCS) is a certified standard of the independent organization Textile Exchange for textile products from controlled organic cultivation. The OCS 100 certificate applies to textile products that are made from at least 95% ecological material. The entire value chain is recorded and tracked from the raw material from controlled cultivation to the finished end product. In comparison to the GOTS certificate, however, production ecology and social working conditions are not taken into account, but the focus is on organically grown materials. The OCS certification serves as an entry into the organic textile sector in order to obtain the GOTS certification in a next step. More information can be found on the Textile Exchange website .